Enjoy these insights to assist you on your journey to health, wholeness and happiness
May you be inspired, motivated, educated and enticed to join our wellness community.
Spiritual Development Online Courses
In the fast-paced, technology-driven world that we live in, it has become more important than ever to learn techniques to help maintain optimum health and well-being. It has been [...]
The Darkest Moments may offer the most Light
At a 12 Stages of Healing Workshop, which I assisted on recently, I was churned up by recollection of an event that happened sixty years ago. I remember standing in [...]
Psychic Development Sunshine Coast
Psychic Insights I don't feel like I was born psychic. A religious Dad and a rather closed-down Mum, neither of them were interested in anything metaphysical. I dabbled with a [...]
What is Reiki?
What are the benefits of learning Reiki? Jacky is an extremely generous, intuitive and caring individual who personifies Reiki and all it stands for. She has dedicated her life [...]
Numerology Play Day
Contact us for dates Yandina Explore the numbers to find your personality, your character, your gifts, your purpose, and your shadow. You WILL know who you are by the end [...]
Magic Dichol – Nano Soma
I have been using Nano Soma, 5 sprays on my tongue, once per day, since May 2021. If I have any symptoms like a sore throat or inflammation, I increase [...]
Manifestation Highway
Blog 31 July 22 When I show up truly and authentically, manifestation flows for me Isn't it incredible how things can turn around so quickly? One minute I am feeling [...]
Tarot Play Day
Psychic Tarot Play Day Contact us for dates Learn to read the Rider Waite Tarot in just one day! Presented by Jacky Haworth International Psychic Tarot Reader & Teacher [...]
Inspired Being Foundation – Yandina
The Inspired BEing Foundation has emerged during a time of challenge for all of us. It feels like we are not so easily able to enjoy our freedom. [...]
Magic Dichol/Nano Soma
Magic (Dichol) in a bottle Click here to order your Magic Dichol/Nano Soma Products Here is a wonderful video that explains the magic of these products https://metatronminutes.net/Videos/NANO%20SOMA%20introduction.mp4 Click here to [...]
Survive Stress and Thrive
This is my article published in Holistic Bliss October 2021 edition. I share my recipe for getting the best out of life, no matter what is happening! When Covid became [...]
Holy Fire III Karuna®️ Reiki Masters
Holy Fire III® Karuna Reiki Masters Questions and Answers by William Lee Rand Q. How did you develop Karuna Reiki®? A. “I received my Usui Reiki training in 1981 [...]