Byron Bay, NSW
Fusion Workshop - TRE and Network Chiropractic
Thanks for the Fusion day Jacky. It was a most unusual experience. I didn’t know what to make of it (because I’ve never worked with quite that level of subtle in subtle energy). I’m no sceptic but I came home thinking, “Hmm, wonder if that spinal stuff did anything at all”. Well, I had a deeply restful sleep (normal for TRE days) but it was COUPLED with a night of the most vivid and pleasant essence-experiences of dreaming I’ve yet encountered. The next morning I woke refreshed but very sore - but good news. SORE in all the old PLACES I've not been sore in for years (good: this means that old buried pain is coming up for release!). In other body parts, I felt much freer. Today I feel a bit more positive (I’ve been doing my own magical-creation work on this too) about the upcoming situation I’ve been dreading. Anyway just wanted to say a belated thanks - because I wanted to thank you after I’d experienced what I’m thanking you for (i.e. after I’d had time to observe the effects…)
Rebecka Byron Bay, NSW
(Editors note) Several years later Rebecka passed away but she continued practising TRE until a few days before she died. She said it helped relieve pain and bring her to a place of calm. RIP Rebecka