This is a sample of some of the wonderful feedback Jacky has received from students and clients. The best form of recommendation is word-of-mouth so your testimonials are very valuable for other readers. If you enjoy the results of your sessions with us, just write us a testimonial or send a short video. Testimonials are also a good way for us to gauge the impact of our services/classes as we wish to continually offer the best possible service to you.

Just touching base with you as you did a reading for me in January 2012 at Gwinganna. You mentioned in my reading that i would most likely have twins which, at the time i didn't know twins were in the family and i was not interested in having children at all!
Well, on 15 July i welcomed my beautiful twin girls Harper and Poppy into this world.
I thought you might appreciate knowing that something i was so doubtful of that you had said in my reading happened and it has been the most wonderful thing in my life.
All the best to you Jacky.

In January 2012, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a muscle condition that left me with pain and fatigue. The illness prevented me from having my usual balanced lifestyle of university work, exercise and social activities and forced me to quit everything I loved and take heavy fibromyalgia medication. I found the Time4Yoga studio and thought I would give it a go. I walked into my first Beginner’s class with my usual exhaustion and walked out feeling peaceful and optimistic. I am no longer on medication and practice yoga regularly. Even when I cannot get to class, I do some home practise with the postures I remember and know that help me. I not only recommend Yoga for those interested in starting a journey of inner mindfulness and flexibility. Katie, Bond University Student.
Katie has made a full recovery and has just completed a swim from Perth to Rottnest Island.
katie_chrystal is on Instagram

What a wonderful opportunity! I thoroughly recommend Jacky Haworth as a Reiki teacher of great experience, integrity and passion.
Diane Viola -
Author Speaker, Relationship & Family Coach, Emotional Mind Integration Facilitator, Master Family & Business Constellations Facilitator.
Contact her at

This workshop was really amazing! I loved everything we learned in a peaceful and supportive environment.
I would absolutely trust Jacky 110% with any further training as her knowledge and support is invaluable.
The food was absolutely fantastic too. Super grateful.

I have completed all my Reiki levels with Jacky and I cannot fault her professional, caring and spiritual approach.
We have become friends as a result of the time we have spent together and I feel so blessed to have her as my friend as well as my Reiki Master.
Gold Coast Queensland

Thank you for the Numerology and Tarot Reading. You are a very positive lady. I really enjoyed meeting you in the past at Eden and I hope many others get to experience your amazing gifts.

I am still amazed at how awesome our session was and the benefits I have felt since. As you know when we had our follow-up call, I did have quite an extreme emotional reaction which lasted a couple of days. This was exacerbated by communications with my ex. However, within a couple of weeks, I began to notice surprising physical benefits. My headaches and neck/shoulder pain seemed less but most amazing was the shift in my back pain. For the first time in years, I was able to vacuum standing up and did the whole house in one go! Since my car accident, I’d had to do it in multiple stages on my hands and knees also due to pain in my broken arm and ribs. I was so excited I had to ring my daughter and tell her!
It was the exercise experience that blew me away. Before I saw you, I had days where I could hardly walk. By the time I got to the retreat, I went into the gym and everything came to me so easily because I was practically pain-free! For the first time in over a year I could hop on the exercise bike – no back pain; I was lifting weights and doing push-ups – no pain in my arm; and one day I even had to jog to get to my cabin in a hurry – I was so amazed that I didn’t feel pain in my leg or chest, that I jogged all the way back! I have never done that since the accident nor hardly before with the fibromyalgia pain. I developed a gentle exercise and stretching program in the gym nearly every day and by the time I left I had improved greatly from my first assessment. With all the healthy eating and getting my body moving I lost 4kg. Bonus! It really is that easy. My challenge for a long time since being on my own was simply to get motivated and see worth in developing a routine and practise – just a setback trying to transition from coupledom to being single, falling into depression and anxiety. But now it’s time to keep moving onward, accepting there will also be twists and turns along the way, and I’m feeling excited for my new life and wherever the next leg of my journey takes me.
Thank you so very much

I originally did my Level 1 & 2 Reiki with Jacky in 2009 and have been working as a Practitioner part time since then. I recently resat my attunements when a good friend of mine wanted to do her Level 1 & 2 and I recommended Jacky. It was an amazing weekend and I learnt so much more. Jacky is a beautiful soul and a wonderful Reiki Master. I am now looking at doing my advanced/Reiki Master with her in the near future.
Thank you Jacky. I am super excited with what the futures holds and all that the Universe will provide.

What an incredible weekend of love and healing.

Jacky has a heart of pure gold