These recommendations will help you enjoy your LIVE Online sTREss Away class with us
Please be prepared for your LIVE ONLINE sTREss Away class by making sure you have the following in place, ten minutes prior to class.
- A good wifi connection is essential
- We will use Zoom (or possibly Skype) to connect
- If possible have your laptop connected to your TV (HDMI cable or Bluetooth connection), so you have a nice big view of us. If not, put your laptop up higher so you can see your whole mat on the screen
- If you have a Smart TV or Apple TV please follow the manufacturer’s instructions
- If using HDMI go to the input channel that you have plugged your cable into
- If possible have bright light for an evening class. Ceiling lights + maybe a lamp close to your laptop if the room is a bit dark
- Place a Yoga mat on the floor with the short edge facing the camera. The whole mat should be visible on camera plus the top of your head when standing at the front of the mat. We will help you with this once you have joined the class.
- Have your volume turned up on your laptop and TV.
- Only put your phone on DO NOT DISTURB once we have connected. Just in case we have tech issues and need to call you.
- Have your water bottle close by
- Optional – blanket, cushion, rolled-up towel, etc. (whatever you need to be comfortable for relaxation)
- Yoga props – if you have any. Please feel free to use a stool or chair or be close to a wall if you need it for balance
- Wear clothing that is comfortable to move easily in
- Make time to enjoy the entire class undisturbed. You are worth it!
Please take a moment to give us your feedback on our Testimonials Page as we can only improve by knowing how you rate our classes.
Questions or help to set up? Please call or email us.