The Darkest Moments may offer the most Light

At a 12 Stages of Healing Workshop, which I assisted on recently, I was churned up by recollection of an event that happened sixty years ago. I remember standing in a rugby paddock in England, [...]

Survive Stress and Thrive

This is my article published in Holistic Bliss October 2021 edition. I share my recipe for getting the best out of life, no matter what is happening! When Covid became a buzzword back in 2020, [...]

What are the benefits of resitting my Reiki classes?

The benefits of repeating and rediscovering Reiki by Jacky Haworth, Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master Jacky has learned Reiki with the following Masters - Cheryl Robyn Freeman in New Zealand, Jo in Australia, [...]

2024-04-02T17:32:00+10:00January 26th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

What is Usui Reiki Holy Fire III?

A Paradigm Shift with Reiki and Holy Fire® Just when I believe the energy of Reiki is at its optimum, I receive an email from William Lee Rand, my Reiki Master in the USA, [...]

What is TRE®?

TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) TRE is a way of releasing stress, tension, and trauma from the body, no matter how long it has been stored, how deeply it is buried, or how [...]

Is PTSD a Modern Epidemic?

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and stress-related diseases are making the news these days, as the symptoms of depression and anxiety are being diagnosed in people from all walks of life. The reality of [...]

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